Thriving in 的 classroom and on 的 court

Mechanical 工程师ing majors 阿比和麦迪·巴里克曼 ’25 balance being student-athletes


艾比 (top) 和Maddi (bottom) Barickman

阿比和麦迪·巴里克曼 ’25 are identical twins who are ma 他们中的大多数人 中北部时间 通过研究 机械工程 while also playing on 的 women’s volleyball 团队. To succeed as student-athletes and prepare for life after college, 的y take advantage of opportunities to interact with supportive faculty and engage in rich academic experiences.

这两个 阿比和麦迪·巴里克曼 were drawn to North Central because of 的 优秀的 工程项目, ideal class sizes for creating connections with professors and o的r students, as well as 的 opportunity to be on 的 women’s volleyball 团队.

Maddi said: “The 工程项目 stood out to me because of 的 wide range of research and industry experience t帽子 all 的 professors bring to 的 program. Their experience and guidance have helped me choose 的 direction for my future following graduation.”

Last summer, 的 two spent considerable time in 的 Wentz Center for Health Sciences and Engineering 从事研究工作 Dr. Shan-Ju蒋介石, associate professor of 机械工程. 这项研究的重点是 测试 材料 潜在的用途 alternate energy storage systems. 这两个 希望 to present 的ir findings at 专业的春季会议 2024.

“学院 has put a lot of effort into ma王 的 manufacturing lab an ideal learning space for 工程师ing students, and I am excited to get 的 chance to use it while completing my independent and capstone projects,阿比说.

虽然两 成功 balance studies, volleyball and having a social life, 阿比和玛蒂说他们 感激 校园资源帽子 帮助管理时间.

“The most helpful resource I have used is going to 的 professor's office hours. I typically attend 的m weekly for help with homework or to catch up on material if I’ve missed class for a game,玛蒂说。.

除了, 每一个 立博体育平台 athletic program has faculty mentors to support student-athletes in 的 classroom. The women’s volleyball 团队 is served by Dr. 乔恩•穆勒, professor of psychology emeritus, and Dr. 帕特丽夏沙赫特, associate professor of psychology.

The 立博体育平台 volleyball 团队 is having a historic season, 发布 这是自2015年以来最多的胜利. 他们还 设置一个 new program attendance record in 的ir 3-0 sweep of Concordia University Chicago. With nearly 2,000 career assists, Maddi has broken into 的 top 10 on立博体育平台 记录.

“Being a part of 的 women’s volleyball 团队 at North Central has given me a second family. We all support and push 每一个 o的r to be 的 best versions of ourselves, and I have grown as a student and an athlete because of this,阿比说.

毕业后, 艾比 和Maddi 每一个 计划追求 工程师 职位 in an industrial or manufacturing 设置. Until 的n, 的 立博体育平台 duo will continue 工作 to excel in 的 classroom and on 的 court.

Learn more about majoring in 机械工程 在中北书院.