Leading the pack — in the lab and on the course

While studying 生物化学, 越野 runner Kyle 穆德 ’25 sets the pace on understanding genetic disorders


Kyle presenting his research.

As a 越野 runner, Kyle 穆德 was drawn to 中北书院 because its men’s 越野 program has long dominated NCAA Division III. 穆德 wasn’t just impressed by the College’s tradition of great runners, however. A talented student interested in being a 生物化学 专业, 穆德 was equally drawn to North Central’s tradition of smaller class sizes and collegial atmosphere, both of which make for a supportive, enriching academic experience.

“The small school atmosphere has really allowed me to develop valuable relationships with professors, allowing me to gain opportunities that otherwise would not have been possible — like research,” 穆德 说.

A unique chance to conduct research arose through 穆德的 类与 Dr. 史蒂夫·约翰斯顿生物学教授. The two forged a working relationship that led to collaboration in the lab over two academic terms. 在看到 穆德的 work and discovering his interests, Johnston sponsored 穆德 and several of his classmates as they undertook a summer research project on Leigh syndrome, a rare genetic disorder that is often fatal for children three years of age and younger. 

Their research helps shed light on a disease about which very little is known. Their work could eventually help save and prolong lives — just the kind of impact 穆德 hopes to have as he aspires to be an orthopedic surgeon who works with professional sports teams. 穆德 believes his studies at North Central will go a long way in preparing him to achieve his goals. 

“While being a part of this project, I learned many things about the field of scientific research,他说. “My confidence in the lab increased dramatically, and I was able to grow my interest in research and add to the current body of scientific literature.  

“I have found North Central has a strong science program which really prepares you with the skills needed post-graduation in the professional world. I have been very pleased with my experience at North Central, and I am glad I chose to come here.” 

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